Analyzing Software Failure on the NASA Mars Climate Orbiter
What went wrong with NASA's Mars Climate Orbiter, $327.6 million probe? What can we learn from the mistake?
What went wrong with NASA's Mars Climate Orbiter, $327.6 million probe? What can we learn from the mistake?
Byzantine Fault Tolerance is a characteristic of a system that tolerates failures known as the Byzantine Generals' Problem; for which there is an unsolvability proof.
Serverless is a style of architecture where we rely running our own functions over abstracted Software and Hardware Servers
The Competing Consumer Pattern enables a system to process multiple messages concurrently to optimize throughput, to improve scalability and availability.
By introducing an Asynchronous Queue between a task and a service, you will be allowing the service to handle the messages at its own pace
Applications that rely heavily on a data-store usually can benefit greatly from using the Cache-Aside Pattern. How does it work?
A series on some common and modern Design Patterns that are useful in today's horizontally scalable (such as cloud-hosted) applications.